Friday, September 24, 2010

Date Idea #31 - Visit the Botanical Gardens in Your City

When it comes to dating idea some of them fall under your basic standard fare of things you will eventually find yourself doing with a woman if you want to have a whole lot of variety and "flavor" in your life.

One of these basic dates that not a lot of men take advantage of is going to your local botanical garden to enjoy the variety of plants and flowers that they have on display. Depending on the city and time of year you can expect a variety of different colors as well as a variety of different plants.


Perhaps one of the nicest things about going to the botanical gardens with a woman that you have been seeing for a while is many times (unless plants and flowers is your thing) you get to see a variety of different things you wouldn't see otherwise.


In other words, it gives you something to talk about and a lot of times it has absolutely nothing to do with the science or history of the plants but rather what it reminds you of or some other random but in some way connected event. As a first date, the botanical gardens aren't really a great idea unless you visit it frequently and it happens to be one of your "power places".


A lot of men for good reason are tempted to take "earthy" women here in the hopes of gaining points or favor yet the truth is if she is really into this kind of stuff she has already been there before and she doesn't need you to take her. In the end going to the botanical gardens in your city or town is a great date idea for those of you who are already "connected" with the woman you plan on taking.


As for those of you who are still in the getting to know you phase, as usual plan on taking her somewhere that you know best.

Teddy Shabba has been helping men attract and date women in an empowering way for over 5 years now.

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