Friday, September 24, 2010

The Botanical Gardens in Bath

First of all, I have a confession to make: I am ashamed to admit that there are many well-known gardens in the South West that I have never visited. I won't name names. However, there is one place I frequent on a regular basis and that is the Botanical Gardens at Victoria Park. I realise that these gardens are on my doorstep and therefore in theory easy to visit, but there are other's equally as near which I have not yet set foot in!

I have spent countless happy hours at the Botanical Gardens, walking, taking photographs, sitting on benches, staring at the trees and taking my dog Ned for a stroll! I try to visit early in the morning or last thing in the evening and have been locked in more than once!

These gardens are less than a mile from the city centre and at over a hundred years old contain a huge collection of trees and plants. The Botanical gardens are set within Victoria Park. The park was planned in 1829 by a group of local people who wanted to establish a public open space. It was formally opened on October 23rd 1830 when Princess Victoria, then only eleven years old, came to visit with her mother the Duchess of Kent. Princess (later Queen) made a request that the park be designated as 'Royal'. This is the only park laid out in the 19th Century with this honour.

The Botanical gardens were initially established in 1840 but really came into their own in 1886 when an amateur botanist called Christopher Broome, came to live in Batheaston. He was devoted to growing and studying plants and on his death his widow donated his 2000 strong collection to the park and the gardens were truly on their way.

What I love about these gardens is that they are wonderful at all times of the year. They are also incredibly peaceful and calming especially in the early mornings when there are not many people about and the gardens feel as if they belong to me! They are laid out in a way which leads you on a journey through many different gardens, including a rock garden walk, a streamside garden, a shady pool surrounded by Acers and Magnolias, with a pretty circular seat, a newly converted Pavilion, now given over to educational pursuits, a wonderful herbaceous border and lawn, Magnolias galore, a shrub rose garden and the Great Dell, a former stone quarry and now home to vast towering Californian Redwoods, tall conifers, Ginkgo biloba and a mass of scented shrubs and at this time of year Cyclamen lighting up the darker areas with splashes of delicate pink.

I always make sure to visit in Spring when the flowering cherries are a riot of pink and white and the incredible magnolias make their showy appearance. Point a camera in any direction and you can't take a duff shot.

The Acers are also an amazing sight, especially at this time of year when the is shining and lighting up the leaves on the trees. Whether you are a plant obsessive like me, or just like a nice relaxing stroll in the peace and quiet, don't worry about not visiting other gardens in the area, for me the Botanical Gardens has it all.

This article was written by Emma Bond.
Garden designer and author. and

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