Saturday, September 25, 2010

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Foster Botanical Gardens

We have lived in Hawaii for over ten years, and as were making our way through the usual traffic chaos on Vineyard Street in Honolulu we saw a sign that said Foster Botanical Gardens. We were not in a hurry, so we pulled over into the parking lot. The moment we opened our car doors, the most beautiful fragrance drifted to our nostrils. It was coming from the trees surrounding the entrance to the gardens.

We felt transfigured to another time and place. Luckily I had my camera since I saw so many beautiful tropical flowers in a various colors and shapes. I would start to put my camera away, and then I would see something else that I had to have a picture of. There were small signs labeling the different flowers and plants. We were surprised at how many of them we had never seen before.

We discovered that some of the incredibly large trees that towered over the gardens were planted around 1853. There were trees from many places around the world including Africa. These trees were so magnificent! They actually refer to them as exceptional trees because of their age, rarity, size, location and historical and cultural significance. They indeed were massive and I had to get a few pictures of my husband standing next to the trunks so we could remember how big they were.

The gardens are very well taken care of, and they are separated into areas of special interest including the Exceptional Trees which I have mentioned, the Lyon Orchid Garden which has several new and old world species, the Main Terrace (dating back to 1953), the Middle Terraces which includes beautiful palms, and some local Hawaiian heliconia and ginger plants, the Economic Garden which has various herbs, spices, dyes and even poisonous plants, the Prehistoric Glen which features plants from various countries, and the Orchid Conservatory which has orchids of so many different varieties.

As we strolled through the gardens, I could not help but think it would be the perfect setting for a wedding. I learned that it is possible to have weddings and wedding photos there with a permit. They also offer guided tours and several times a year, school children get to enjoy this enchanting place.

I witnessed flowers and trees that I have never seen before, and had quite an educational and fascinating experience at the Foster Botanical Gardens.

Ruth Elayne Kongaika

Botanical Painting - Long Queues at Kew?

It is an astonishing fact that if you had been born in Europe during the 16th century, the size of your known world would have doubled. Just imagine: within your lifetime you would have had twice your horizons to explore, to exploit, to explain. The great voyages of discovery, driven by maritime prowess and the relentless pursuit of profit, were also monuments to fearless eccentricity, botanical and geological curiosity, and the indomitable amateur spirit.

No institution embodies these qualities more than a botanical garden, and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is one of the most beautiful and historic gardens in the country. It's not the oldest - that honour goes to Oxford - but just 10 miles from the centre of London lies one of the finest collections of living plant material and preserved plant specimens in the world. This year Kew celebrates its 250th anniversary. Jonathan Meade describes it as '300 acres of sylvan enchantment...a classroom under the sky.' Nobody, he writes, could stroll though it 'without a sense of wonder,without gratitude...and without learning something'.

As a botanical painter I share these feelings, marvelling at the sheer complexity and diversity of life forms on this planet; indebted to the countless men (and women) who risked - and often lost - their lives to bring back and show us the interesting, beautiful and useful things they'd found; privileged to add another tiny grain to the sum of knowledge inside my head.

Recently awarded the status of a World Heritage site, the Royal Botanic Gardens' scientists and botanists have collaborated in developing a "DNA bar code" which will help to identify plants around the world. But could this mean the end of botanical painting?

Happily we are still in demand. Kew has always used botanical illustration in its scientific work, as the botanical artist is able to show detailed characteristics of plants far more clearly than photographic records. Sadly, with one in five of Britain's native flora at risk of extinction, we are busier than ever.

In 500BC Theophrastus, a pupil of Aristotle, made a list of 500 plants. Today we know of over 422,000, and it's estimated that perhaps 100,000 species of flowering plants are yet to be discovered. Many areas of the world, particularly the moist dense forests of Southeast Asia and New Guinea, are almost certainly home to large numbers of new species that still have to be documented and illustrated.

Scientists and environmentalists tell us that unless we intervene effectively and swiftly, up to two-thirds of all species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms could vanish in the next few years. Every day, four more plant species face the threat of extinction. The explosion of treasures sent back from newly-discovered lands galvanized the sixteenth-century botanical illustrators into recording things they'd never seen before. Five centuries later, it is our urgent and melancholy duty to record things we may never see again.

At a time of unprecedented environmental change, we all need to get involved in changing our attitudes and behaviours. Within our lifetime it is highly likely - some would say certain - that unless we do, over half the number of known life forms on earth will disappear forever. Those that remain will be rare and precious. Prepare for long queues at Kew?

A full-time artist and tutor of botanical illustration, I run courses in botanical drawing and painting, as well as tutoring workshops both in the UK and abroad. Click here to learn more

My paintings are in many private collections, and I have had two solo exhibitions. My flower prints sell worldwide and I also write on botanical art for magazines.

My passion is observational drawing from the natural world. If you would like to join me on one of my courses or workshops, click this link now to find out dates and details

Marianne McPhie

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Huntsville Botanical Gardens Offers Relaxation, Fun and Education

Huntsville Botanical Gardens is just one of the many reasons that the city of Huntsville, Alabama has become a popular family vacation destination for this southern state gem. Aside from being popularly known as the Rocket City, this area is also proud of the different gardens it offers to each and every tourist and visitor to the city.

Since the opening of these attractions, the Rocket City has also become one of the most visited places in the South, especially by those individuals who are nature lovers. These different gardens in the city provide a variety of fun and learning.

Covering a total of 112 acres or 453,000 square miles, located along Wallace Avenue is where you can find many of these beautiful plantings. These landscaped areas are open for you to explore and to appreciate the many different unique designs and themes. Flowers, trees, ferns, herbaceous plants, birds, frogs, snakes, fishes and many more are what these gardens offer to each and every visitor.

Let's take a look at some of the more well known attractions.

* The Perennial Garden is the site where you can see many landscapes filled with herbaceous perennials, trees and flowering shrubs.

* The Annual Garden which includes the Summerhouse that was designed to display a wide range of tender plants and bulbs.

* The Aquatic Garden, a 110-foot pool where water lilies, lotus and many other creatures live in this complete ecosystem.

* The garden made especially for kids is the Children's Garden. An eight in one garden for children of all ages. Here they can explore and enjoy the themes like the land of dinosaurs, travel into space, learn how plants grow, and many more kid friendly activities.

* The Garden of Hope which is dedicated for cancer patients and their families.

* The Rose Garden which is a garden filled with many lovely roses of different colors and sizes.

* The Herb Garden displaying different kinds of herbs.

* The Daylily Garden which showcases lilies in bloom beautifully every day.

* The most recognized among all is the Nature Center and Butterfly House. A garden mostly visited for its educational value. Here you can find over 2,000 butterflies flying in a 9,000 square ft structure. You will also see many snakes, frogs, fishes and turtles around the garden.

Huntsville botanical gardens truly showcase natural beauty and more. If you are visiting the great state of Alabama, you will want to take the time to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of this rare gift.

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